Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
UBUD WRITERS & READERS FESTIVAL 2010 - Fringe Event: Beyond Love
Students at STIBA Saraswati spend their days studying foreign languages. Here they have an opportunity to learn the “language of love” with romantic writers Kurnia
Effendi, Maghriza Novita Syahti and Benny Arnas, who show them that there can be more to a love story than happy endings and sweet kisses.
Speakers: Benny Arnas, Kurnia Effendi, Maghriza Novita Syahti
Thursday, August 12, 2010
1. Peserta Java-Bali-Sumatera English Olympiad 2010 adalah pelajar SMA/SMK/Sederajat di wilayah Jawa, Bali dan Sumatera.
2. Mendaftarkan diri ke panitia Java-Bali English Olympiad 2010 dengan mendaftarkan diri di tiap-tiap rayon.
3. Peserta tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti Java-Bali English Olympiad 2010 lebih dari satu rayon.
4. Masing-masing sekolah dapat mengirimkan peserta sebanyak-banyaknya (lebih dari satu orang)
5. Peserta wajib melihat informasi Java-Bali English Olympiad di www.um-legato.co.cc
6. Setiap peserta wajib mendaftarkan diri terlebih dahulu dan membayar kontribusi, sebesar: Rp 100.000,00/orang.
1. Peserta membayar untuk pendaftaran sebagai peserta sejumlah Rp.100.000 di bank BRI ke nomor rekening 1229-01-000650-53-9 atas nama Ika Fitriani
2. Melengkapi semua kelengkapan daftar ulang:
- a. bukti asli slip pembayaran dari bank untuk pendaftaran peserta
- b. fotokopi slip bukti pembayaran sebanyak 1 lembar
- c. fotokopi kartu pelajar sebanyak 2 lembar
- d. foto ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 lembar (hitam putih/berwarna)
- e. formulir pendaftaran
3. Peserta menuju ke HMPS atau kantor STIBA Saraswati Denpasar untuk daftar ulang dengan membawa berkas kelengkapan (batas akhir daftar ulang adalah 11 Oktober 2010)
4. Peserta juga dapat mengisi formulir pendaftaran Online >> KLIK DISINI
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Program Studi Bahasa Inggris ( S1 ) SK BAN PT No.014/BAN-PT/AK-XII/S1/VI/2009
Program Studi Bahasa Jepang ( S1 ) SK BAN PT No. 024/BAN-PT/AK-XII/S1/VIII/2009.
Fakta di lapangan menggambarkan bahwa sektor keenagakerjaan adalah masih minimnya Sumber Daya Manusia yang erlatih secaraprofesioal ( Professionally Well Trained ), khususnya di bidang penguasaan bahasa asing. STIBA Saraswati Denpasar hadir sebagai institusi pendidikan tinggi terakreditasi yang menyajikan dua program studi, yaitu Sastra Inggris (S1) dan Sasra Jepang (S1) . Melalui STIBA Saraswati Denpasar, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk mengasah keterampilan berbahasa asing serta budayanya, sekaligus melaih kemapuan berpikir analitislogis sehingga mampu bersikap responsif untuk bersaing di era globalisasi.
Study di STIBA Saraswati Denpasar Apa dan Bagaimana
Perkuliahan yang inovatif dan lancar denan kurikukul KBK yang dirancang selalu responsif terhadap kebutuhan dunia kerja akan sarjana bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jepang yang handal.
Di STIBA Saraswati Denpasar, peminatan yang ditawarkan adalah General English / Japanese dan English / Japanese for Tourism.
Prospek Profesi Lulusan
Secara umum, para lulusan STIBA Saraswati Denpasar mempunyai dya nalar yang tinggi untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi dan dapat meniti karir dalam berbagai bidang antara lain :
- Pendidikan Bahasa ( Language Instructor, Language Teacher
- Perkantoran ( Secretary Manager, Public Relation, instansi pemerintah / swasta )
- Pariwisata ( Tour Guide, Travel Agency Manager, Hotel & Restaurant Organizer )
- Media Massa ( Journalist )
Job Training dilaksanakan di hotel-hotel, restoran, biro perjalanan di Bali, lembaga pendidikan dan instansi lainnya.
Kampus dengan gedung berlantai empat yang nyaman dan representatif dengan fasilitas antara lain perpusatakaan, laboratorium bahasa, laboratorium multi media dilengkapi Audio Video System dengan ruangan ber-AC.
Syarat-syarat Pendaftaran
- Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah disediakan, bisa juga dengan online seperti yang telah disiapkan di halaman kiri atas silahkan diklik dan mendaftar online
- Photocopy STTB SMA/SMK/ yang sederajat yang telah disahkan 1 lebar
- Pas foto hitam putih ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 2 ( dua ) lembar
- Stopmap warna biru
- Membayar uang pendaftaran Rp 150.000
- Pendaftaran 12 Mei - 9 Juli 2010
- Ujian 12 Juli 2010
- Materi Ujian:
1. Kemampuan Dasar (BahasaInggris dan Bahasa Indonesia)
2. Kemampuan IPS ( IPS, PKN, IPS Terpadu) - Pengumuman hasil ujian tanggal 17 Juli 2010
- Pendaftaran kembali 19 Juli sampai dengan 21 Agustus 2010
- Syarat-syarat pendaftaran kembali dapat ditanyakan di tempat pendaftaran/kampus STIBA Saraswati Denpasar jalan Kamboja No. 11 A Denpasar
- Pendaftaran 15 Juli - 20 Agustus 2010
- Ujian 21 Agustus 2010
- Materi Ujian:
1. Kemampuan Dasar (BahasaInggris dan Bahasa Indonesia)
2. Kemampuan IPS ( IPS, PKN, IPS Terpadu) - Pengumuman hasil ujian tanggal 25 Agustus sampai 3 September 2010
- Pendaftaran kembali 19 Juli sampai dengan 21 Agustus 2010
- Syarat-syarat pendaftaran kembali dapat ditanyakan di tempat pendaftaran/kampus STIBA Saraswati Denpasar jalan Kamboja No. 11 A Denpasar
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A Semiotic Analysis in An Advertisement of Virginia Slims
By Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi, Dosen STIBA Saraswati Denpasar
Social semiotics in a branch of the field of semiotics which investigates human signifying practices in specific social and cultural circumstances, and which tries to explain meaning-making as a social practice. Semiotics, as originally defined by Ferdinand de Saussure, is "the science of signs in society"
Social semiotics expands on aussure's founding insights by exploring the implications of the fact that the "codes" of language and communication are formed by social processes. The crucial implication here is that the meanings and semiotic system are shaped by relations of power, and that as power shifts in society, our languages and other systems of socially accepted meanings can and do change.
Social semiotics can include the study of how people design and intrepret meanings, the study of texts, and the study of how semiotic system are shped by social interests and ideologies, and how they are adapted as society changes ( Hodge and Kress, 1988).
Advertisement exists in many forms of communication tool such as television, newspaper, radio, and magazines. Advertisement pyals a major role in the distribution of goods from manufacturers to consumers. It is an effective way for the seller to inform the consumer about product and it can also influence the consumers to have an interest in the product.
Advertising works no only on behalf of specific goods and services but also assumes certain characteristics wich are less directly connected to selling. It tries to manipulate people into buying away of life as well as goods.
Words and pictures are the basic elements in constructing an advertisement. here are two types of sign in advertisement; verbal sign and visual sign. Verbal sign is the texts about the product. It can be defined as the language, sentences and words that occur in printed advertisement. The brand name of the product is the first thing which is concerned. Visual aspect consists of pictures such as picture of product, picture of ingredients, and others, which support the product. These pictures also have important role in advertisement since they enable the target audiences to imagine the product, especially those who have not known the product yet. Both of these signs are really important in order to convey the message intended to the audiences.
Interference and Integration in A Balinese Article "Midabdabin Bali Pinaka Pulo Perdamean Lan Demokrasi"
By I Gst. Ag. Sri Rwa Jayantini, Dosen STIBA Saraswati Denpasar
This writing tries to investigate wheter interference and integration occur in an article of a newspaper or not. Generally, articles in the newspaper utilize a wide range of vocabulary as well as apply a certain style which usually deals with diction, syntax, narration, rhetorical devises, etc. The choice of words, the structure of sentences and how the words are spelled, then are worth analyzing from the aspect of sociolingustics. In a specific sense, it is interesting to find out the words, phrases or other elements which show interference and integration. Balinese language which long time before was motly used as a means of spoken communication emerges as a means of written communication in printed media i.e. Bali Orti, special pages of Bali Post Sunday's edition which is written in Balinese language. The article analyzed in this paper entitled Midabdabin Bali Pinaka Pulo Perdamean lan Demokrasi. There are some examples of integration and interference found in this article. The analysis was made referring to Richards et al (1985), Weinreich ( in Grosjean, 1982) Haugen (in Grosjean, 1982) and Chaer and Agustina (1995).
The Story of a Woman Sacrificed to Patriarchy
By Cok. Istri Dewi Wisana Anggarini, Dosen STIBA Saraswati Denpasar
By reflecting Calon Arang as a dejected victim of patriarchy, surely Toeti's lyrical prose does not intend to legitimize her evil deeds. Calon Arang has had many lives throughout history. She lives through dance, through Tales of Dirah, through dissertations, through comics, and fold tales. In those versions, Calon Arang is told from the dominant point of view which reflects our gender-imbalance perspective.
The Function of Balinese Suffix
By Wayan Sidhakarya, Dosen STIBA Saraswati Denpasar
The suffix - ang is a verbal case marking in the Balinese language. Its existence as a suffix of the verb has a functional syntactic load which can be categorized into three main semantic criteria, i.e. transitive, causative and benefactive. A transitive verb might be made out various roots or stems. Semantically the effect of this type of transitive construction is on the agent of the doer of the action. When the effect is on the object the result is affected object or causing something to change its state of appearance. The root of the verb may have already been a transitive verb. In this case the additional of - ang would increase its transitivity by the bringing in more argument or valency of the verb. This is when the verb becomes a benefactive verb.